Exploring the Value of Remote Sensing in Agriculture


Aurelien Callens


September 19, 2024

I just published a new article on Medium exploring the role of remote sensing in agriculture, specifically how radar data can help estimate precipitation more effectively ! 📡

Knowing exactly how much rain has fallen on a field is critical for farmers. It impacts decisions on irrigation, disease prevention, and overall crop health. Traditionally, rain gauges have been the gold standard for measuring precipitation, but their reach is limited to where they are physically installed.

With remote sensing methods such weather radars and satellites, we can have spatially continuous precipitation estimates, offering a broader perspective that ground stations alone cannot match. But how reliable are they for agriculture-specific applications? At Sencrop, we’re investigating whether radar data can:

In this post, I compare radar data with traditional weather station measurements to see how well it aligns with agricultural needs.

Curious about how radar can enhance weather-based decision-making in farming? Read the full article here: Exploring the Value of Remote Sensing in Agriculture: Making Sense of Radar Data

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