Can R and Shiny make me a better fisherman? Part 1

Building a shiny application to store my fishing data

Web scraping

Aurélien Callens


September 12, 2020

My favorite hobby, in addition to R coding of course, is fishing. Most of the time, I fish European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) in estuaries. The sea bass is a predatory fish that has a broad range of preys: crabs, sand eels, prawns, shrimps and other fish. To catch these predators, I don’t use live baits, I prefer to use artificial lures that imitate a specific prey.

In theory, it is quite easy to catch a fish:

  1. Use a lure that imitate the current prey of the sea bass.

  2. Animate the lure in a spot where the fish are active.

  3. Catch a really big fish !

In practice, it is an other story ! Indeed, the feeding activity, the position of the European sea bass in the estuary and their preys will vary depending on different parameters:

As you understand, there are many parameters potentially influencing the results of my fishing session. This is why I decided to create a shiny application to augment the number and the length of the fish caught during my sessions. To reach this objective, I need to better understand the activity, the position and the prey of the sea bass depending on the parameters described above.

Requirements of my application

  • It must store data about my fishing session:
Information needed Description of the variables Where do I get the data ?
Time Time when a fish is caught, time since the beginning of the session R
Catch Species and length of the fish caught Geolocation from smartphone?
Lures Type, length, color of lure used Weather API
  • It must record data about my catch and the artificial lures used:
Information needed Description of the variables Where do I get the data ?
Time Time when a fish is caught, time since the beginning of the session R
Catch Species and length of the fish caught User input
Lures Type, length, color of lure used User input
  • It must be adapted to small screens because I will always use the application on my phone.

  • It must remain free.

Collecting the data

Getting my gps location

My gps location is collected by using a bit of Javascript in the header of the shiny application. This code has been developed by AugusT and is available on his github repository.

Weather API

For the weather data, I found a free API called Dark Sky. I made a function that takes as input the coordinates of a place and the API user key and returns the current weather conditions in a dataframe:


weather <- function(x, API_key){
  url <- paste0("",API_key,
                "/", x[1], ",", x[2],
  rep <- GET(url)
  table <- fromJSON(content(rep, "text")) <- with(table,
                               data.frame(Air_temp = currently$temperature,
                                     Weather = currently$summary,
                                     Atm_pres = currently$pressure,
                                     Wind_str = currently$windSpeed,
                                     Wind_dir = currently$windBearing,
                                     Cloud_cover = currently$cloudCover,
                                     PrecipProb = currently$precipProbability,
                                     PrecipInt = currently$precipIntensity,  
                                     Moon = daily$data$moonPhase[1]))

Web scrapping for Tide data

I created a function to scrap information about the tide on a french website. The following function takes no argument and return the current water level, the tide status (going up or down) and time since the tide peak for the location I fish.

tide <- function(){
  # Set the current time and time zone 
  time <- as.POSIXct(Sys.time())
  url <- ""
  # Read the web page that contains the tide data 
  text <- url %>% 
    read_html() %>%
  # Clean the html data to get a dataframe  with two cols Time and water level: 

  text <- as.character(sub(".*var data = *(.*?) *\\;.*", "\\1", text))
  text <- unlist(str_split( substr(text, 1, nchar(text)-2), "\\],"))
  tidy_df <- data.frame(hour=NA,Water=NA)
  for(i in 1:length(text)){
    text_dat <- unlist(str_split(text[i], '"'))[c(2,3)]
    text_dat[1] <- substr(text_dat[1], 1, nchar(text_dat[1])-1)
    text_dat[2] <- as.numeric(substr(text_dat[2], 2, nchar(text_dat[2])))
    tidy_df[i,] <- text_dat
  tidy_df$hour <- as.POSIXct(paste(format(Sys.time(),"%Y-%m-%d"), tidy_df$hour))
  # Some lines to get the tide status (going down or up) : 
  n_closest <- which(abs(tidy_df$hour - time) == min(abs(tidy_df$hour - time)))
  water_level <- as.numeric(tidy_df[n_closest, 2])
  all_decrea <- all(tidy_df$Water[(n_closest-6):(n_closest+6)] ==
                      cummin(tidy_df$Water[(n_closest-6):(n_closest+6)] ))
  all_increa <- all(tidy_df$Water[(n_closest-6):(n_closest+6)] ==
                      cummax(tidy_df$Water[(n_closest-6):(n_closest+6)] ))
  maree <- ifelse(all_decrea, "Down", ifelse(all_increa, "Up", "Dead"))
  # Compute time since the last peak :
  last_peak <- max(cumsum(rle(diff(as.numeric(tidy_df$Water), lag = 2) > 0)$lengths)
                   [cumsum(rle(diff(as.numeric(tidy_df$Water), lag = 2) >0)$lengths) < n_closest])
  time_after <- as.numeric(difftime(tidy_df$hour[n_closest], tidy_df$hour[last_peak], units = "mins"))
  # Return the list with the results :
  return(list(Water_level = water_level,
              Maree = maree,
              Time_peak = time_after))

The shiny application

The main problem I encountered while developing this application was data storage. host freely your shiny application but there were some problems when I used the shiny application to modify the csv files. The solution I found was to store the data in my dropbox account, you can find here more details on the subject and alternatives solutions. I used the package rdrop2 to access and modify the data with the shiny application.

Here are the main steps of this application :

  1. When the application is started, it reads a csv file stored on my dropbox to see if a fishing session is running or not. If not the user can start a fishing session.

  2. When starting a new session, a line with coordinates, weather conditions, and tide condition is added to the csv file previously mentioned.

  3. If a fish is caught, the user can fill out a form to store the data in a second csv file. This file contains : the time, the species and length of the fish and information about the fishing lure used (type, color, length).

  4. The user can end the fishing session by pushing a button. This will register the ending time, weather conditions, and tide condition in the first csv file.

A simplified graph is showed below:

Simplified workflow of the application

UI side

The user interface of the application is built using the miniUI package. This package allows R user to develop shiny application adapted to small screens.

# Load libraries 

#Import the functions for weather API and webscrapping 

# Load the dropbox token : 
token <<- readRDS("token.rds")

# Minipage for small screens
ui <- miniPage(
  # Javascript that give user location (input$lat,input$long)
  tags$script('$(document).ready(function () {
                           navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(onSuccess, onError);
                           function onError (err) {
                           Shiny.onInputChange("geolocation", false);
                           function onSuccess (position) {
                           setTimeout(function () {
                           var coords = position.coords;
                           console.log(coords.latitude + ", " + coords.longitude);
                           Shiny.onInputChange("geolocation", true);
                           Shiny.onInputChange("lat", coords.latitude);
                           Shiny.onInputChange("long", coords.longitude);
                           }, 1100)
  gadgetTitleBar("Catch them all", left = NULL, right = NULL),
    #First panel depends if a fishing session is started or not 
    miniTabPanel("Session", icon = icon("sliders"),
                 miniContentPanel(uiOutput("UI_sess", align = "center"),
                                  uiOutput("UI", align = "center"))
    # Second panel displays the location of the previous fishing session with the number of fish caught 
    miniTabPanel("Map", icon = icon("map-o"),
                 miniContentPanel(scrollable = FALSE,padding = 0,
                                      prettyRadioButtons("radio", inline = TRUE, label = "",
                                                         choices = list("3 dernières sessions" = 1,
                                                                        "3 Meilleures Sessions" = 2,
                                                                        "Tout afficher" = 3), 
                                                         selected = 1)),
                                  leafletOutput("map", height = "93%")

Server side

The server side is mainly composed by observeEvent functions. The utility of each observeEvent is provided in the script as commentary.

server <- function(input, output, session){
  # Read the csv file containing information about fishing session. If a session is running,
  # display the UI that allows the user to input data about the fish caught. If a session is not started,
  # display a button to start the session.
  observeEvent(input$go ,{
    dat <<- drop_read_csv("/app_peche/session.csv", header = T, stringsAsFactors = F, dtoken = token) 
    output$UI<- renderUI({
        if(rev(dat$Status)[1] == "end"){
          actionButton("go","Start session")}
          actionButton("go","End session") 
    output$UI_sess<- renderUI({
      if(rev(dat$Status)[1] == "end"){
        tagList(textInput("comments", label = h3("Commentaires"), value = "NA"))
          selectInput("species", label = h3("Espèces"), 
                      choices = list("Bar" = "bar", 
                                     "Bar moucheté" = "bar_m", 
                                     "Alose" = "alose",
                                     "Alose Feinte" = "alose_f",
                                     "Maquereau" = "maquereau", 
                                     "Chinchard" = "chinchard"), selected = "bar"),
          sliderInput("length",label = h3("Taille du poisson"),value=25,min=0,max=80, step=1),
          selectInput("lure", label = h3("Type de leurre"), 
                      choices = list("Shad" = "shad",
                                     "Slug" = "slug",
                                     "Jerkbait" = "jerkbait",
                                     "Casting jig" = "jig",
                                     "Topwater" = "topwater"), selectize = FALSE),
          selectInput("color_lure", label = h3("Couleur du leurre"), 
                      choices = list("Naturel" = "naturel",
                                     "Sombre" = "sombre",
                                     "Clair" = "clair",
                                     "Flashy" = "flashy" ), selectize = FALSE),
          selectInput("length_lure", label = h3("Taille du leurre"), 
                      choices = list("Petit" = "petit",
                                     "Moyen" = "moyen",
                                     "Grand" = "grand"), selectize = FALSE),
          actionButton("catch","Rajoutez cette capture aux stats!"),
          textInput("comments1", label = h3("Commentaire avant la fin ?"), value = "NA")
  }, ignoreNULL = F)
  #If the button is pushed, create the line to be added in the csv file. 
    #Tide + geoloc + Weather
    c_tide <- unlist(tide())
    geoloc <- c(input$lat,input$long) <- weather(geoloc) 
    # Two outcomes depending if the session starts or ends. This gives the possibility 
    # to the user to add a comment before starting the session or after ending the session
    if(rev(dat$Status)[1] == "end"){
      n_ses <- c(rev(dat$Session)[1]+1)
      stat_ses <- c("beg")
      time_beg <- as.character(as.POSIXct(Sys.time()))
      comment <- input$comments
      dat.f <- data.frame(n_ses, stat_ses, time_beg ,geoloc[2], geoloc[1],, c_tide[1], c_tide[2], c_tide[3], comment)
      a <- rbind(dat,dat.f)
      n_ses <- c(rev(dat$Session)[1])
      stat_ses <- c("end")
      time_beg <- as.character(as.POSIXct(Sys.time()))
      comment1 <- input$comments1
      dat.f<- data.frame(n_ses, stat_ses, time_beg ,geoloc[2], geoloc[1],, c_tide[1], c_tide[2], c_tide[3], comment1)
      a <- rbind(dat,dat.f)
    # Write csv in temporary files of shiny server 
    write_csv(, "session.csv")
    # Upload it to dropbox account 
    drop_upload("session.csv", path = "App_peche", mode = "overwrite", dtoken = token)
  # Add a line to the catch csv file whenever a fish is caught
    caugth <- drop_read_csv("/app_peche/catch.csv", header = T, stringsAsFactors = F, dtoken = token) 
    n_ses <- c(rev(dat$Session)[1])
    time <- as.POSIXct(Sys.time())
    time_after_beg <- round(as.numeric(difftime(time, rev(dat$Time)[1], units = "mins")), digits = 0)
    catch <- data.frame(n_ses, 
                        time = as.character(time),
                        min_fishing = as.character(time_after_beg),
                        species = input$species,
                        length = input$length,
                        lure = input$lure,
                        colour = input$color_lure,
                        length_lure = input$length_lure)
    b <- rbind(caugth,catch)
    # Write csv in temporary files of shiny server 
    write_csv(, "catch.csv")
    # Upload it to dropbox account 
    drop_upload("catch.csv", path = "App_peche", mode = "overwrite", dtoken = token)
  # Create the map with the results of previous session depending on the choice of the user :
    output$map <- renderLeaflet({
      map_data <- map_choice(input$radio)
      leaflet(map_data) %>% addTiles() %>%
        addPopups(lng = ~Long,
                  lat = ~Lat, 
                       sprintf("<b>Session %.0f : %.1f h</b> <br/> %s <br/> %.0f  poissons <br/> hauteur d'eau: %.0f m, %s, %.0f min après l'étal",
                  options = popupOptions(maxWidth = 100, minWidth = 50))

Conclusion and future improvments

You can find a dummy example of this application (not linked to the dropbox account) here. I have been using this application for 1 year without any problems! The data I collected will be presented in the next post.

In the coming months, I must find a new free API to replace the actual one. Indeed, the weather API I am using has been bought by Apple and the free requests will be stopped in the following year.

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