R et Shiny peuvent-ils faire de moi un meilleur pêcheur ? Partie 4

Analyse exploratoire de mes données (shiny et plotly)


Aurélien Callens

Date de publication

12 avril 2022

Dans ce post, j’explore les données que j’ai collectées au cours de l’année dernière avec la version mise à jour de l’application (présentée ici). Cette rapide analyse exploratoire est réalisée avec deux packages que j’apprécie particulièrement : Plotly et shiny.

Pour rappel, ma nouvelle application stocke les données dans trois fichiers csv. Le premier contient les variables liées aux conditions de pêche. Le deuxième contient des informations sur mes prises et enfin le troisième contient des informations sur les caractéristiques des leurres que j’ai utilisés pendant la session.

Shiny pour explorer les données de pêche par session

J’ai codé une petite application shiny qui fournit un résumé des conditions de marée et de débit de la rivière, des changements de leurres et des prises pour chaque session. N’hésitez pas à explorer mes données de pêche !

Code de l’application shiny

Voici le code des graphiques plotly dans l’application :


#' For the tide plot
#' @param dat first dataframe with session characteristics
#' @param n_ses the id (number) of the session
#' @param temporal_range number of hours to display (before and after the session)
#' @return A plotly object
plot_tide_ses <- function(dat, n_ses, temporal_range = 4){

  dat_t <- dat %>% 
    filter(Session == n_ses) %>% 
    mutate(Tide_ts = list(eval(parse(text = Ts_tide))))
  dat_tide <- as.data.frame(dat_t$Tide_ts)
  dat_tide$hour <- as.POSIXct(dat_tide$hour, origin = "1970-01-01")
  dat_tide$Water <- as.numeric(as.character(dat_tide$Water))
  plot_ly(data = dat_tide, 
          x = ~ hour, 
          y = ~ Water, 
          mode = 'lines') %>%  
    layout(shapes = list(
      list(type = 'line',
           x0 = as.POSIXct(dat_t$Beg),
           x1 = as.POSIXct(dat_t$Beg),
           y0 = min(dat_tide$Water),
           y1 = max(dat_tide$Water),
           line = list(dash = 'dot', width = 1)),
      list(type = 'line',
           x0 =  as.POSIXct(dat_t$End),
           x1 = as.POSIXct(dat_t$End),
           y0 = min(dat_tide$Water),
           y1 = max(dat_tide$Water),
           line = list(dash = 'dot', width = 1))),
      xaxis = list(range = as.POSIXct(c(as.POSIXct(dat_t$Beg) - 3600*temporal_range ,
                                        as.POSIXct(dat_t$End) + 3600*temporal_range )),
                   title = ""),
      yaxis = list(title = "Tide level"))

#' For the river flow plot
#' @param dat first dataframe with session characteristics
#' @param n_ses the id (number) of the session
#' @param past_days number of previous to display (before the session)
#' @return A plotly object
plot_flow_ses <- function(dat, n_ses, past_days = 4){
  dat_t <- dat %>% 
    filter(Session == n_ses) %>% 
    mutate(Flow_ts = list(eval(parse(text = Ts_flow))))
  dat_flow <- as.data.frame(dat_t$Flow_ts)
  dat_flow$Date <- as.POSIXct(dat_flow$Date, origin = "1970-01-01")
  dat_flow$Nive <- as.numeric(as.character(dat_flow$Nive))
  dat_flow$Adour <- as.numeric(as.character(dat_flow$Adour))
  dat_flow <- dat_flow %>% 
    pivot_longer(cols = c(Nive, Adour), 
                 names_to = "River",
                 values_to = "Flow")
  plot_ly(data = dat_flow, 
          x = ~ Date,
          y = ~ Flow, 
          color = ~ River, 
          mode = 'lines') %>%  
    layout(shapes = list(
           x0 = as.POSIXct(dat_t$Beg),
           x1 = as.POSIXct(dat_t$Beg),
           y0 = min(dat_flow$Flow),
           y1 = max(dat_flow$Flow),
           line = list(dash = 'dot', width = 1))),
      xaxis = list(range = as.POSIXct(c(as.POSIXct(dat_t$Beg) - 3600*24*past_days,
                                        as.POSIXct(dat_t$End) )),
                   title = ""))

#' Function to prepare the dataset for the plot of lure change and catch
#' @param lure third dataframe with lure changes (hours) and characteristics
#' @param session first dataframe with session characteristics
#' @param ses_n the id (number) of the session
#' @return A dataframe
start_end_fonction <- function(lure, session, ses_n){
  dat_ses <- session %>% 
    filter(Session == ses_n)
  dat_lure <- lure %>% 
    filter(n_ses == ses_n)
  startdates <- dat_lure$time
  enddates <- c(startdates[-1], dat_ses$End)
  data.frame(change = length(startdates):1, 
             start = as.POSIXct(startdates),
             end = as.POSIXct(enddates),
             type = dat_lure$type_lure,
             text = paste(dat_lure$color_lure, dat_lure$length_lure))

#' For the plot of lure change and catch
#' @param lure third dataframe with lure changes (hours) and characteristics
#' @param caught second dataframe with fish caught characteristics
#' @param session first dataframe with session characteristics
#' @param n_ses the id (number) of the session
#' @return A plotly object
lure_change <- function(lure, caught, dat, n_ses){
  df <- start_end_fonction(lure, dat, n_ses)
  catch <- caught %>% 
    filter(n_ses == n_ses)
  dat_t <- dat %>% 
    filter(Session == n_ses) %>% 
    mutate(Tide_ts = list(eval(parse(text = Ts_tide))))
  dat_tide <- as.data.frame(dat_t$Tide_ts)
  dat_tide$hour <- as.POSIXct(dat_tide$hour, origin = "1970-01-01")
  dat_tide$Water <- as.numeric(as.character(dat_tide$Water))
  plot_ly() %>% 
    add_segments(data = df,
                 x = ~ start,
                 xend = ~ end,
                 y = ~ change,
                 yend = ~ change,
                 color = ~ type,
                 #text = ~ text,
                 size = I(5),
                 alpha = 0.8) %>%
    add_segments(x = as.POSIXct(catch$time),
                 xend = as.POSIXct(catch$time),
                 y = min(df$change),
                 yend = max(df$change),
                 line = list(color = "red", dash = "dash"),
                 name = 'Fish caught') %>%
    add_trace(data = dat_tide, 
              x = ~ hour, 
              y = ~ Water, 
              mode = 'lines', 
              yaxis = "y2",
              name = "Water level",
              alpha = 0.4,
              hoverinfo = 'skip'
    ) %>% 
    layout(xaxis = list(range = c(df$start[1] - 1000 , df$end[nrow(df)] + 1000),
                        title = ""),
           yaxis = list(title = "", zeroline = FALSE, showline = FALSE,
                        showticklabels = FALSE, showgrid = FALSE ),
           yaxis2 = list(overlaying = "y", side = "right"))

Voici le code de cette application :

dat <- read_csv("session1.csv")
caught <- read_csv("catch1.csv")
lure <- read_csv("lure.csv")

# In order to save the tide and flow time series I parse the data in the dataframe
# The following line is used to transform the parsed text into usable values
dat_t <- dat %>% 
  mutate(Tide_ts = list(eval(parse(text = Ts_tide))),
         Flow_ts = list(eval(parse(text = Ts_flow))))

body <- dashboardBody(fluidPage(
  # Application title
  h1("Exploratory analysis of fishing data",
  align = "center",
  style = "padding: 40px;  text-align: center;  background: #605ca8;  color: white;  font-size: 40px;"),
  # Dropdown menu to select the fishing session
  fluidRow(align = "center",
           pickerInput(inputId = 'Ses',
                       label = h3('Select a fishing session:'),
                       choices = unique(dat$Session[-1]),
                       options = list(
                         style = "btn-primary"),
                       choicesOpt = list(
                         style = rep_len("font-size: 75%; line-height: 1.6;", 4)
  # Key figures of the session
    valueBoxOutput("progressD", width = 4),
    valueBoxOutput("progressF", width = 4),
    valueBoxOutput("progressL", width = 4)),
  # Graphs of the tide and river flow of recent days
    box(title = "Tidal water level", status = "primary", 
        plotlyOutput("TidePlot"), width = 6),
    box(title = "River flow", status = "primary",
        plotlyOutput("FlowPlot"), width = 6)),
  # Graph lure changes during the session + catch
    box(title = "Lures tested and fish capture", status = "warning", 
        plotlyOutput("LurePlot"), width=12))

ui <- dashboardPage(
  dashboardHeader(disable = TRUE),
  dashboardSidebar(disable = TRUE),

# Define server logic required to draw a histogram
server <- function(input, output) {
  # Duration
  output$progressD <- renderValueBox({
    Duration = as.integer(difftime(as.POSIXct(dat$End[dat$Session == input$Ses]), as.POSIXct(dat$Beg[dat$Session == input$Ses]), units = 'mins'))
    valueBox(tags$p("Duration", style = "font-size: 80%;"),
             tags$p(paste(Duration, "min"), style = "font-size: 150%; font-weight: bold;"),
             icon = icon("clock"), color = "purple")
  # Number of fish
  output$progressF <- renderValueBox({
    fish_caught = as.integer(caught %>% filter(n_ses == input$Ses) %>% nrow())
    valueBox(tags$p("Fish caught", style = "font-size: 80%;"), tags$p(fish_caught, style = "font-size: 150%;font-weight: bold;"),
             icon = icon("trophy"), color = "purple")
  # Number of lures tried
  output$progressL <- renderValueBox({
    Lure = as.integer(lure %>% filter(n_ses == input$Ses) %>% nrow())
    valueBox(tags$p("Lure tried", style = "font-size: 80%;"), tags$p(Lure, style = "font-size: 150%;font-weight: bold;"),
             icon = icon("fish"), color = "purple")
  output$TidePlot <- renderPlotly({
    # generate plot depending on session
    plot_tide_ses(dat, input$Ses, 4)
  output$FlowPlot <- renderPlotly({
    # generate plot depending on session
    plot_flow_ses(dat_t, input$Ses, 4)
  output$LurePlot <- renderPlotly({
    # generate plot depending on session
    lure_change(lure, caught, dat, input$Ses)

# Run the application 
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
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